STARTLINE® 6, 12, 15, 20, 40, 80, and 100
STARTLINE® 6, 12, 15, 20, 40, 80, 100 is a type line of classical Cordtexes. The weight of pentrite contained in one common metre of the given Cordtex type is indicated by the number which follows the title of STARTLINE®. The Cordtexes of the STARTLINE® line are manufactured by up-to-date, electronically controlled machines, which guarantee a perfect continuous column of pentrite in the whole length of the Cordtex.
Fibres of synthetic materials are used for “the winding”, which provides the Cordtexes with a high rate of tensile strength. In order to be water resistant, the Cordtex surface is covered with a film of a plastic substance. These facts ensure extraordinary functional reliability even for low-gram types of the Cordtex.
Transport identification: 0065, Cordtex, flexible, 1.1 D, ADR
Plastic coils in cardboard boxes.